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New research: bi people less likely to be 'out'

Stonewall staff

Only one in five bi people (20 per cent) are out to all their family compared to three in five gay men and lesbians (63 per cent) Two in five bi people (42 per cent) hide or disguise their sexual...

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Vaneet speaks about #BisexualMenExist and why bi visibility is so important

Vaneet Mehta

CW: asylum, mental health. Today is Bi Visibility Day and we've asked Vaneet Mehta, a bi activist, to tell us what it means to him. This year, Vaneet's hashtag #BisexualMenExist trended worldwide and...

NewsBlogCommunitiesHealth & social careInternationalSocial exclusion

Everyone should feel welcome in sport – and that includes trans people

Sport has the power to change lives. From kicking a ball around in the park at the weekend to elite competition, sport at all levels helps people come together, work as a team, push themselves, and...

NewsBlogCulture, media & sport

Starting out on trans inclusion in your workplace

Stonewall staff

Many people tell us that they want to know how to champion trans inclusion where they work. Here are a few things you can do to make a start! There are lots of other ways to take action where you...


It’s #ButchAppreciationDay, and this is what butch means to me

What is butch? Traditionally, in lesbian culture, the word ‘butch’ refers to a woman whose gender expression and traits present as typically ‘masculine’. Being butch is about playing with and...


New report tells us how the public actually feel about trans people

Today, the Equality and Human Rights Commission published a new report on public attitudes to trans people – drawing on data from the British Social Attitudes Survey. At the moment, trans people’s...


The fight for marriage equality is not over

As Northern Ireland celebrated its first same-sex marriages in January this year, we rejoiced in having made marriage equality a reality throughout the UK. But, that’s not quite the case. In the...


Groundbreaking research on lesbian, bi and trans exclusion across 21 countries - Out of the Margins

Stonewall staff

Today, Stonewall launches a report from the Out of the Margins network. Between February and September 2019, the network documented the profound exclusion facing lesbians, bi women and trans (LBT+)...


The journey to becoming an LGBT inclusive school

Harmi (she/her)

I teach in a large secondary academy in Derbyshire. As a safeguarding lead, I receive a high volume of concerns from staff and parents about our students. This can involve anything from feeling low...

NewsBlogEducation & youth

Stonewall Diversity Champions: Creating an LGBT inclusive workplace

Stonewall staff

Organisations are increasingly thinking long and hard about how to create and sustain an inclusive workplace. Our Diversity Champions programme raises awareness and gives support to organisations in...



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