Back On Track | Stonewall
Chwaraewch Ran

Back On Track

Published in Mai 2023

Unlocking the potential of LGBTQ+ people.

The UK is now a rainbow nation, as more of us feel able to live openly and proudly as LGBTQ+ people. One in 30 people is LGB+ and one in 200 is trans and we live in every part of the country. We are old and young, we come from all class, race and faith communities, and many of us are disabled. And as we look across the generations we see that the future base of voters is more queer, particularly with Millennials and Gen Z.

But in the face of this incredible shift in British society, an extreme minority opposing LGBTQ+ rights have re-tooled and re-organised for the 21st century.

It is only eight years since the UK’s legal framework for LGBTQ+ rights was recognised as the most effective in Europe. But five years of delays, u-turns and ‘culture wars’ has led to the UK slipping further down the rankings for LGBTQ+ rights in Europe and Central Asia. The UK has fallen off the tracks on LGBTQ+ equality. Failure to act on the real issues that LGBTQ+ people face is ruining lives.

This is a pivotal moment. It’s time to get the UK back on track, so that all LGBTQ+ people in Britain can live freely and safely and fulfil their potential. It is not too late.

Our report sets out how the UK Government can drive forward improvements to policy and the law, working with devolved administrations and all political parties, in all parts of the UK, to once again lead the way for LGBTQ+ equality.

Join us in getting the UK back on track for LGBTQ+ equality.

We're proud that this plan is supported by 24 leading LGBTQ+ organisations:

Diversity Role Models

LGBT+ Consortium

Live Through This

Naz and Matt Foundation

Manchester Pride


Ozanne Foundation


The Proud Trust

Gendered Intelligence



London Friend


Intercom Trust

Stonewall Housing

Pride Outside

17-24-30 National Hate Crime Awareness Week (1184819) 

LGBT Switchboard (Brighton & Hove) 

Tonic Housing

LGBT Foundation


Rainbow Migration

Allsorts Youth Project

LGBT Mummies

Download report (PDF)