Email your MP - Stop the hate | Stonewall
Chwaraewch Ran
We Belong Here

Email your MP - Stop the hate

Tell your MP to speak up. LGBTQ+ people belong here.

With hate crime rising sharply over the last five years, it's clear that it is not safe to be LGBTQ+ in the UK in 2024.

Email your MP now to speak out against the rising hatred, and call out the UK Government’s divisive rhetoric and lack of action on hate crime.

In October 2023, new statistics from the Home Office revealed that England and Wales continue to become less safe for lesbian, gay, bi and trans people.

  • Hate crimes against trans people have risen by 11% year-on-year, and by 186% in the last five years
  • Hate crimes on the basis of sexual orientation are up by 112% in the last five years
  • Hate crimes based on sexual orientation and transgender identity are the most likely to involve violence or threats of violence

Behind these shocking figures are real lives; LGBTQ+ people whose wellbeing and sense of freedom are being impacted by acts of violence, harassment and abuse. And it’s likely that this is only the tip of the iceberg, with the government's own statistics indicating fewer than one in ten LGBTQ+ people report hate crimes or incidents.

Screeching headlines, fearmongering, and toxic ‘debate’ - it's no surprise that hate crime is on the rise when LGBTQ+ people are being used as a political football.

It’s time for MPs to take action to stop the rising hate and challenge the UK Government to do better. LGBTQ+ people belong here.